Monday, June 28, 2010

Nimo is gone!

We went into Moss on Friday to watch the new A-team movie. As usual, we let Nimo jump on shore and run around. So far, this hasn't been a problem, as he's always stayed close to the boat. This time, however, he was gone when we returned. We stayed until Sunday, hoping he would come back, but to no avail.

We are both really heartbroken over this. He was very, very dear to us, and life on the Oscilia seems empty without him. We've spent countless hours calling for him, in ever larger circles from the point where he disappeared, and we've put up over thirty posters with his picture, but so far nobody has called. If any of our readers sees him I truly hope they'll leave a comment to this post.



  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for you! Really, really hope he turns up...

  2. Kanskje litt viktig å fortelle våre lesere at pusen er på plass igjen :) Han ble mirakuløst funnet, er en historie for seg selv det ;)
